Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Job Satisfaction

I have the same thoughts every morning when my alarm wakes me up.
mcm nak MC la..

Bila la nak rajin nie???
I wonder when will the time comes where I can say,
"Bestnye pegi keje"...
I guess tggu ade jejaka ensem mcm yg diatas dan dibawah ini???

Last night, I had a talk with my on n off 'sleepmate'..hihi..miss naddy (jgn mare)...nway, i terbocorkan rahsie lelaki idaman i..muahhahaha..being a straight woman, i rase xsalah kan if i say i have my own preference..though mostly my preference came from reading mills & boon n all the romances..(the lords and the lairds and the young misses and damsel in distress with their knight in shining armour;P)...

so basically what i said to her is:

"saya nak kahwin dgn hackers...geeky n nerdy but cute"

or if not

"a photographer:not any photographer, but the National Geographic/Discovery Channel type, where they took pictures of lions, volcanoes, lightnings..with a ruggedly looks"

All in all...jangan tido lambat sangat, kan dah merapu?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I don't ask much...

All I ask,
respect...xpayah la nak cari kesalahan saya dlm setiap perbuatan dan perlakuan...

all I ask,
silence...xpayah la cakap banyak sangat...

all I ask,
loyalty and honesty...

am i asking too much???

pakcik maidin selalu pesan suruh jaga hati orang...
tapi hati saya sape yg jage???
xde kan???
kalau xnak jage takpe...
tapi jangan sakitkan boleh???

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It is not a happy feeling...

It was gooey...clammy...n my heart beats like it never beats before...

It was wrong...

because i don't want it...

i want to feel nothing at this moment...

so that i wont feel d pain...

d pain...

d dissapoinment...

d frustation...

that comes with every single feeling...

currently stuck with a problem..ok, 2. ok more than i can count on...

but d most important thing...

i hope...


i pray to Allah s.w.t that they will come to their senses...