Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kenape Perlu Tengok!

Kenape perlu tengok
HAntu Kak Limah Balik Rumah???

1. Sebab die BEST SANGAT2

2. Sebab die KLAKA SANGAT2

3. Sebab die penuh dgn sindiran yang mmg membuatkan kite terkesima dan terpikir

4. Walaupon luarannya nampak mcm merapu and serabut, tetapi penuh dgn hidden meaning yg sggh intelektual

5. Sebab shoot n guna BAHASA PERAK...
(awak org Perak!)

6. MAmat Khalid memang genius!!! Filem2 seperti Rock, MAn LAksa, Rombongan Che Kiah ke Komanwel, Zombie Xmengecewakan langsung! (Ini je filem die aku tgk)

7. Rase mcm mau tgk lagi!!!

8. Walaupon setiap kali KAk Limah keluar aku tutup mate (cuz aku tido sengsorg) tp nk gak tgk lagi cite ini!!! (aku xsuke tido sengsorg!!!)

9. Sangat2 sukekan watak si Usop bekas penari Kebudayaan itu!!!mmg mantap!

Sape belom tgk, sile tengok n support lah filem Melayu yg bermutu seperti ini!!! Xpayah nk ade keta2 laju, pompuan kampung jek pon dah cukop bagus!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Saya Masih Disini

In a way, I should be grateful, right? Everything happens for a reason, and there must be a reason why I did not get the transfer. Now, for sure, 1oo percently, I know I will go on with the Master thing. Before this, I have doubts. Thinking what if I'm to be transferred to Penang or Kulim. Then it will quite far for me to go to KL every week.
But still I could not help but to shed a few tears. (more than a few actually!) I want to be closer to my father and sister. I hate sleeping alone at night (ok I now this is ridiculous;P)
The only thing that is making me ok here is my friends...
Other than that, NIL.
