Monday, September 28, 2009

Sekembalinya Diriku Ke Pejabat

Dang..Cepatnye masa berlalu and now i'm back to the office. Manage to get an MC yesterday because I'm sooooooooo tired.(and not in the mood to face people). Thought of sleeping the whole day but can't, unfortunately, because people kept calling me about minor details for the debate. Though i have to admit, i'm kinda good of becoming an operator. Should just change my profession because i really, totally hate my current job. ~lalaala~

As much as i love to indulge in my self-pity, life must go on.

EVeryone is talking about their raya break..Miss FB nak cerite pasal ape??? Letak gambar je boleh??Hehe..

Gambar2 diambil di rumah Miss FB, Cik Inas n AYu.

Seronak jumpe kawan2 lama macam Dahlia,Wani n Dylla and yang tak berape lame macam Ayu, Dayah n my fellow blog comrade, Inas.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Menjelang Satu Syawal..

Few more days before we end this lovely Ramadhan...(eventhough there were some 'moments', but still lovely)..What I really looking forward to is to go home and meet Daddy and my sis. I have a few plans as soon as I reach my lovely Taiping :) Have plan to 'serbu' people house with my fellow Venus gal, eat my Dad superb prawn sambal ;p , meet a few friends, REST and not thinking about the debat tournament that will be held the week after Raya (aaarghhh!!!) and not thinking about my FRP (Fail REkod Pensyarah=Forever Resuming Pressure) and also watch The Ugly Truth and Final Destination 4.

Insya Allah. Pray for my safety. I'm going back tonight with the one and only: The BUs...It is kind of depressing to go to work when most of the gang in the opis oledi when back to their hometown. Even the bosses pon dah balik:(

...It is Ok...few hours more for me before I reach Tepeng...
Well, i would like to use this opportunity to wish Salam AidilFitri and Maaf Zahir Batin to those who stumble upon my humble blog here..Drive safely and have a blessed day with your love ones..muaksssss.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Only 11.08am

Defenitely not my day...Punch card merah arini..and only 1 minute late!!! arghhhh..the second one for this month..yours truly gotta be extra early la plak pasnie.. favourite new shoe terputus due to the stupid tiling renovation nie!!arghhhhhhhhh...It's NEW ok..If Najib xkasik bonus I'll be doomed cuz i need another NEW shoe!!!

And not to mention the pounding headache T_T

And now it is 11.12 am...urgh...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm so cold...

Besides that, i'm quite angry. What am i angry about? Let me list it out.

1. Sesampainya ke opis, keja macam banyak. Salah satunye kena key-in attendance budak kat pmis. Ianya satu sistem yang menyusahkan teramatlah sangat. Iye, seperti yang tersedia maklum, tugas seorang guru bukan lagi hanya mengajar, tetapi buat clerical work skali.

2. Facebook kena block. WTF? Kite kan hidup bermasyarakat. Macam mana kite nak menghubungi sesame lain dan mengetahui perkembangan semasa kan?kan?kan?

3. Arahan mengatakan kena berjimat cermat semasa print. WTF$%^&*833945^$%#)(*%$#%^WTF!!!!! Ini memang nak marah. Semenjak duduk dalam opis baru nie, boleh kire la baper kerat aku print. In fact, RM pon tak terprint lagi. Yang sebuk print nye manusia2 yang beeeeezzzzzzzzz sesangat itu.(manusia sama yang telah menghancuskan komp Miss FB di saat yang amat crucial and critical sampai Miss FB teriak a.k.a nanges). Xsampai selang 2-3 hari dah ambik ketas baru. Kerana manusia2 itu, orang lain terkena tempias..WTF!!!Aish..

4. Bebudak DSB1 yang perasan yang dorg tue bakal arkitek and think they can berlagak pandai with me!! Hello, setakat diploma tue toksah berangan tinggi arr.. (tiada niat to degrade anyone yang mempunyai diploma but only DSB 1 students)..Seriously, who they think they are? I have 7 other classes who can be respectful. Even my certificate students pandai respect orang. Walawei..bebulan posa buat aku sakit hati.

So ini adalah perkara2 yang membuatkan Miss FB angin ja...16 hari sebelum pulang ke kampung halaman terchenta.. Hopefully, no more incidents yang mcm itue kan pas nie..Chill Miss FB...