Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Love someone who loves you." -If u love someone, let them go. If they never come back, they were never yours...

So i decided that I'm letting go this feeling.
Because I realized, it is just an infatuation.
And even it is love, I'll still let it go.
Because I think you deserve someone better.
And I deserve someone who is not afraid.
Because when you stop saying words to me.
And when I stop giving you glances.
So I decided maybe this is not real.

So I decided that I'll pray for your happiness,
And in return hoping that you'll do the same
It seems that
even though
we never speak with each other
Our hearts speak
we should

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Satu Ramadhan

Yeap..It's my first day of fasting today. Lupe plak berpuase, asyik bercakap jek. And now, i'm soooo thirsty eventhough it is just 12 pm. Alamak, lambat lagi ke berbuke?It's quite challenging sbb my cough is still there and going i guess x bolei le berbuke dgn ketulan ais yg enak itu!!!
My life is so chaotic at this moment. My head actually. Banyak sangat yang perlu difikirkan. Banyak sangat hati yang perlu dijaga. Kenapa xde sape nak jaga hati saye?Is it not worth to be take care off???
We embrace the flaws and faults of our love so that when they leave, we won't smile with regret...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now
Wish right now, Wish right now

B.O.B. ft Hayley Williams

I made a mistake when I make something out of nothing.

It was nothing.
Nothing to think at all.
Nothing to start with.
Nothing to end with.
I was in La La Land.
Me and stupid dreams.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Being Lonely

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that i can confess
Secret 'One Republic'
This is one of the self-pitying post. I just came back to Merlimau after 6 days break with my family at Taiping. And the only thing that creeping in my head is that 'I Hate It Here!' I feel so lonely even if I'm surrounded by many people. At home, eventhough it is just me and Dad, I felt happy and content.
Or maybe I'm trying hard not to be lonely.
Maybe I just should live my life as it is.
I crave for adventurous and exotic life. (Blame it on all the novels I read)
Maybe I should accept the fact that my life is meant to be dull.
I want to quit job and travel the world.
for many things

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

and I'm definitely happy that this someone won't be around for a month. Nyah kau...hehe..Anyway, my 'bestfriend' came for a visit this afternoon so won't be fasting for the next 7 days. So sad because I was so looking forward to go to Tarawih this evening. Xde rezeki :(
I was so hoping that my 'bestfriend' won't be coming like the previous year where I don't have to go through the hassle of 'ganti pose' :) I guess this is for being so 'blagak' kan?hahaha...
Well, I want to wish all our Muslim brothers and sisters a blessed Ramadhan. Semoga Ibadah kite diterime-Nya. Amin.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Saye mmg banyak wishlist! Hehe.. I want a lot of things in life. And one of them is to play tennis! I don't know why tapi teringin sangat sangat sangat nk main tenis. How I wish I have someone to tutor me! Yep, sy nk blajar main betul2. Bukan suke2. Tp skrg rase mcm dh tua sngat kalau baru stat nk blaja. Huhu..

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thank You

I could not help but to notice that I have a lot of people who cares about me. Especially about my weight! Funny thing that I never really try to spend my day thinking about how fat I am. I have other people to do it to me. See how lucky I am? Sometimes, the way they say it out loud bring tears to my eyes because I was touched with all the concerns. For example : "Eh, boleh masuk ke?" "Muat ke?"

I mean, where else you can find this kind of concerns?

I am blessed and very grateful for it.













~P.H.A.T gal out~

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kenapa Hari Ini Sudah Isnin?

I have nothing against Monday. It is coming to work on Monday after a very very very short break that I have problem with. I have 3 classes on Monday. And pepagi buta nie one class manage to increase my blood pressure. I was never that rude when I was studying at Uni. You don't say 'tertido' dgn selamba badaknya when you were asked why you were absent...If I were to write about the moral of our student (and people around us these days, sampai tahun depan pon xabeh).

My weekend was tiring but good. I was involved in konvo after all! Huhu.. Menjadi penghulur sijil atas pentas. Xcomel pon terpaksa men'comel'kan diri! Haha..And then after that went for a movie with a couple of girlfriends. Watch The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It was quite boring and tasteless for me.Hehe..If you were talking about magic, why must have science?And the ending was so like Dragon Ball. And the Apprentice mcm lalok 24/7. I love Nicholas Cage though! He is brilliant!

The next day went for another movie with the same girlfriends ;) This time around we watched Salt. It was good! Better than Apprentice for me! Walaupon bnyk unsur2 'x blei tahan' but still bearable. It is pretty 'amazing' that jatuh atas trak but all the bones are still intact. One thing I like is that I never anticipate who's the badass was! And I hope there will be no sequel. Hehe.. Let it be left mysteriously!

Panjang la ngomel harini... There are few movies that I really really want to watch! Takers, Airbenders, The Expendables, The Other Guys. Erm, sesape nak pegi tue, bawak lah saye..Hehe..Saye tak kesah!!!

Till later..Daaaaa..

(erm ade meeting pukul 12..^yawn^ more reason why I hate Monday!)

P/S: Thanks to my know who you are:) Lenkali kite buat lagi ok? Muaaksss...
