Monday, November 16, 2009

Finally, I'd reach the first 25 years of my life.


I'm getting lazier with my words this days..adoi..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not In The Right Track

Kinda sad when looking to my previous entries..Banyak marah kat orang je..aish

Sunday, October 25, 2009

~Phase Of Life~

Usually, when we reach certain age of life, we automatically decided that we should grow up, be a more mature person then we ever been before, and be a better person. You know, not to involve with any kind of 'school drama' where instead of dealing with the problem, we run from it. Honestly, the first thing I've thought when I first started working is not to mess with anyone and not to let anyone messing with me. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. And it is funny when in 7 months, both my 'former' housemate move out without any sense of dignity and maturity. Hohoho, don't misinterpret me when you read that I managed to run out my housemates. I'm not some Madame Cruella here. I solely believe that I'm not the reason they move. It really doesn't matter whether they are moving out or not , but the way they doing it. Like some coward without any sense(again) dignity and maturity.And to exagarrate a small tiny miniscule problem.Funny..
It really suprise me when people manage to create a whole different story out of nowhere. But, I believe in everything happens for a reason: a better reason. All in all, I should say good riddance right?
now, it
Praying to Allah S.W.T.,
both of us can tolerate with each other and handle everything with maturity. Zati, don't worry, if ever i want to move out from the house,I'll mention it to you since you are sort of the landlady. Insya Allah.

~Funny isn't it, when you are licking your own spit. You asking the help from the very person you cursed and badmouthed. Tsk tsk.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Di Saat Tanganku Ringan untuk Melempang

Aku teringat pesanan PakCik Maidin:
Oleh itu,
I'm trying to be patient here.
And remember,
you don't have to get involved with it.
You can ignore it because
Trust your conscience.
You are here to work and mencari rezeki.
So don't let your focus stray.
Miss FB??

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What I'm Feeling Right Now...

What I'm feeling right now?
Crying my heart out.
When I first start here, I never thought it will be like this. I was full with enthusiasm, hoping that I will be passionate with my job and will face any challenges.
Unfortunately, NO. After 6 months, I feel like i've been crash and burnt. Tried to please everyone but end up getting myself hurt; and it is painful.
Can I just make a shout out and say :Tolong jangan buli saye?
Saya manusia biasa yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan. Mungkin luaran saya macam seseorang yang tidak kisah, tapi itu cara saya menutup kelemahan rendah diri saya.
I want to be alone
John Donne said
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another Self-Pity Entry

Inas, this is the continuum of my feelings from last night message.
It seems that everyone that i know is getting engaged, married or pregnant. And no, there is nothing wrong with it. Of course I'm happy for them. By the way LInda, congratulation!! I still can't imagine you as a wife and now you going to be a 'Mummy'? So happy for you and seriously, I want to see your big tummy nanti k?!
So lets go back to my self pity. As much as I'm happy for everyone else, there is one tiny-not-so-tiny side of me could not help but to feel sad. As everyone is actually moving on in their lives, I'm still here, the same old, same old me. I feel that I'm standing staticly, not moving, just stay there like a statue and watch the world go by. What had happen actually?
Of course, it is not that i'm desperate to get married NOw!I want to have all the Mills and Boon and Harlequin's romances. Loves at first sights. Or trouble but end up living happily ever after. Go on a date. Have fights over something ridiculous but making amends with laughter later.
Is it wrong to wish like that?Or am I simply being ridiculously desperate here?Hurm..
~Thinks that imperfection makes one perfect~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Middle of the Week

I've been called "lurus bendul" and "skema" by one of the senior lecturer today. It's kinda funny actually. And sad as well. I mean name calling like that (in front of my face sumore!). It's not that I want show to people that I'm doing a great job or what-so-ever. Hurm. We are having a lecturer evaluation by the students and it is strictly forbidden for us to evaluate ourselves. Unfortunately, the lecturer who is supposed to evaluate my class thinks that my classes are so 'tinggi'(well, now you know how I feel-all the 3rd and 4th floors and no pounds were shedded). And now she want me to do it myself without mentioning it to anyone else. But what make me so 'angin' is the words she used. 'Lurus bendul' and skema? hey, I do live up with the rules are meant to be broken but come on..this is just a simple matter. Bukan nye every week you have to come to my so high classes pon...Seriously?Bukan nak mengajo pon!!!Jangan lah disebabkan awak saye yg terkantoi. Dahla Miss FB nie kalau nak buat something yg tahap mikro punye kesalahan pon mesti kantoi. Alahai..Sape nak tolong evaluate kelas saye nie???

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sekembalinya Diriku Ke Pejabat

Dang..Cepatnye masa berlalu and now i'm back to the office. Manage to get an MC yesterday because I'm sooooooooo tired.(and not in the mood to face people). Thought of sleeping the whole day but can't, unfortunately, because people kept calling me about minor details for the debate. Though i have to admit, i'm kinda good of becoming an operator. Should just change my profession because i really, totally hate my current job. ~lalaala~

As much as i love to indulge in my self-pity, life must go on.

EVeryone is talking about their raya break..Miss FB nak cerite pasal ape??? Letak gambar je boleh??Hehe..

Gambar2 diambil di rumah Miss FB, Cik Inas n AYu.

Seronak jumpe kawan2 lama macam Dahlia,Wani n Dylla and yang tak berape lame macam Ayu, Dayah n my fellow blog comrade, Inas.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Menjelang Satu Syawal..

Few more days before we end this lovely Ramadhan...(eventhough there were some 'moments', but still lovely)..What I really looking forward to is to go home and meet Daddy and my sis. I have a few plans as soon as I reach my lovely Taiping :) Have plan to 'serbu' people house with my fellow Venus gal, eat my Dad superb prawn sambal ;p , meet a few friends, REST and not thinking about the debat tournament that will be held the week after Raya (aaarghhh!!!) and not thinking about my FRP (Fail REkod Pensyarah=Forever Resuming Pressure) and also watch The Ugly Truth and Final Destination 4.

Insya Allah. Pray for my safety. I'm going back tonight with the one and only: The BUs...It is kind of depressing to go to work when most of the gang in the opis oledi when back to their hometown. Even the bosses pon dah balik:(

...It is Ok...few hours more for me before I reach Tepeng...
Well, i would like to use this opportunity to wish Salam AidilFitri and Maaf Zahir Batin to those who stumble upon my humble blog here..Drive safely and have a blessed day with your love ones..muaksssss.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Only 11.08am

Defenitely not my day...Punch card merah arini..and only 1 minute late!!! arghhhh..the second one for this month..yours truly gotta be extra early la plak pasnie.. favourite new shoe terputus due to the stupid tiling renovation nie!!arghhhhhhhhh...It's NEW ok..If Najib xkasik bonus I'll be doomed cuz i need another NEW shoe!!!

And not to mention the pounding headache T_T

And now it is 11.12 am...urgh...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I'm so cold...

Besides that, i'm quite angry. What am i angry about? Let me list it out.

1. Sesampainya ke opis, keja macam banyak. Salah satunye kena key-in attendance budak kat pmis. Ianya satu sistem yang menyusahkan teramatlah sangat. Iye, seperti yang tersedia maklum, tugas seorang guru bukan lagi hanya mengajar, tetapi buat clerical work skali.

2. Facebook kena block. WTF? Kite kan hidup bermasyarakat. Macam mana kite nak menghubungi sesame lain dan mengetahui perkembangan semasa kan?kan?kan?

3. Arahan mengatakan kena berjimat cermat semasa print. WTF$%^&*833945^$%#)(*%$#%^WTF!!!!! Ini memang nak marah. Semenjak duduk dalam opis baru nie, boleh kire la baper kerat aku print. In fact, RM pon tak terprint lagi. Yang sebuk print nye manusia2 yang beeeeezzzzzzzzz sesangat itu.(manusia sama yang telah menghancuskan komp Miss FB di saat yang amat crucial and critical sampai Miss FB teriak a.k.a nanges). Xsampai selang 2-3 hari dah ambik ketas baru. Kerana manusia2 itu, orang lain terkena tempias..WTF!!!Aish..

4. Bebudak DSB1 yang perasan yang dorg tue bakal arkitek and think they can berlagak pandai with me!! Hello, setakat diploma tue toksah berangan tinggi arr.. (tiada niat to degrade anyone yang mempunyai diploma but only DSB 1 students)..Seriously, who they think they are? I have 7 other classes who can be respectful. Even my certificate students pandai respect orang. Walawei..bebulan posa buat aku sakit hati.

So ini adalah perkara2 yang membuatkan Miss FB angin ja...16 hari sebelum pulang ke kampung halaman terchenta.. Hopefully, no more incidents yang mcm itue kan pas nie..Chill Miss FB...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Miss FB bersyukur kerana:
=Induksi nak habeh dah (walaupon die malas nak balik Merlimau)
=Walaupon dia xdapat ramai kawan (sebab dia mengisolatekan diri macam biasa) ada juga la dapat 2-3 kawan yang banyak membantu. Contohnya Liza yang suruh Miss FB print asimen kat printer dia. Bella xpayah lah citer...She's my not so old friend who have been helping me much. If not for her, i'm defenitely Thomas Wilson, the recluse from The Lotus Eater
=Walaupon dia marah sangat2 kat penceramah yang kononnya kaunselor panggil orang mamak nie DKK=darah keturunan keling (WTF) tapi tidak menukarkan diri kepada Incredible Hulk sebab die menganggap penceramah tue BODOH(hah,kan dah kurang pahala pose)
=Walaupon xdapat nak balik lagi ke kampong halaman dan berpuasa bersama kakak ku Atom dan ayahku PakCik Maidin yang terchenta, die masih bergayut lama2 ngan dorang guna Celcom plan 5+1
=Walaupon selalu menganggap dirinya manusia paling xcomey,tapi bersyukur kerana masih boleh menunaikan puasa di bulan Ramadhan, masih boleh berkata-kata, masih boleh melihat (walupon agak rabun ;p ) masih boleh mendengar dan sewaktu dengannya. Kerana dia percaya pada sebaik-baik ciptaanNya
=Walaupon presentation Public Speaking induksi xbaper nak best, tapi skurang2nya tidak memalukan dirinya seperti yang biasa dilakukannya
=Walaupon balik Merlimau nie banyak kerja tapi dia akan melakukannya tanpa kompelin banyak2, tidak akan memperdulikan orang2 yang menyakitkan hatinya, bekerja bersungguh-sungguh supaya bos akan kesian dan rekomen dia balik ke utara. Amin
Banyak lagi yang Miss FB beryukur kepada Yang Maha Esa cuma....
Kengkadang Miss FB
lalai dan

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WhAt Am I Ab0ut to dO...

It's been a crazy few weeks. The craziest one for sure me attending the Puspanita dinner with my buddy Belle. It was a torture at first because i HATE protocols thingy..And not to mention when our number 'naik' for lucky draw, none of us went to take the big hamper..Silly kan? Hurm..I had a vivid imagination of me stumbling at the stage or making fool of myself..Aish...

I'm a big mess now..Literally ye..My room is one hell of a mess..Ntah bile dapat kemas. Moving to the fourth floor without a lift is a torture. I wonder when in this lifetime i can get use to it, and at least loose some weight in the process. For the past few days Belle and I walk to work. Arini punch card merah! One minute only.Adoi.. But it is not bad, walking..But might be needing a new shoes..Comfortable shoes.Might be getting some Bata's..Biarlah pesyen org tue pon. I just can't endure the aching on my heels..

I have a lot of classes to replace now. Ganti kelas masa cuti H1N1. And next week going for my induksi at Vistana Hotel KL. Hurm, if only gaji awal cket..hehe..For sure going to spend some money there. Penatnye pikir nk kena study n dengar ceramah for 2weeks. Alahai..

Not to mention the workload. I reaallly have problem with my RM..xtau n xpaham.. :( n i hate my work as the lab supervisor..Who on this earth thinks i can do a job taking care all the computers?I can't even take care of myself....

I feel so serabut. In mess. What i need now is more time.................

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shopping and Harry Potter

Finally...dapat gak Miss FB tengok Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince..Thanks to Belle and Zatie, walaupun xminat tapi sudi menemaniku. And we went TV hunting. So in a day or two daptla TV baru kitorg tu..Darn, it is tiring. Macam mana nak pindah barang nie? Penat la naik tingkat 4. I knoe i need to loose a few pound here and there, but this is pure torture. I need four big muscled man to help me!!!

Aish...not to mention all the pulus gone into the drain.

Why am i attracted to those tortured souls??? Why?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sampai Bila?

I received this email from one of the 'supposed to be' the participant for our debate tournament. Unfortunately they have to withdraw 2 teams because of this rule- Please include one Bumiputra in your team.

Dear Miss Begum,
Kind greetings. We would like to express our deep regret for we will now not be able to participate for your inter college debate competition due to the bumiputera rule. We would also like to point out our unfortunate dissapointment in regards to this bumiputera rule. We assumed it was long pass the days where highschool teams held this positive discrimination rule. WE also cannot imagine teams that are hnadicapped in this situation such as KDU College, where there is a low minority of bumiputeras and thus expected to participate. It further suprised us that the theme seemed to be "1 MAlaysia". So moving forth on the theme, we feel this step taken to ensure 1 bumi in every team is sending us BACK to the times where people tolerated such decisions, we however, do not. We hope that the decision of including 1 bumi in every team is revised to include a fair participation.
Siron Pereira

Trust me when i said i was so depress after reading this. I hate the rule actually because i think it is discriminating. I am not a Bumiputra as well so i understand very well when every opportunity will be taken because i don't have that particular brand. Funny since both my parents were born and bred in Malaysia. Pakcik Maidin tak pernah pon jejak kaki kat India.

So, what should we do now? should we continue with this ridiculous rule until the end of this world? This is a debate competition. We want to promote to our children that we should not discriminate each other. We want our children to live in harmony regardless the race. We want our children to respect each other. What kind of message we are sending here?? Shouldn't every human being deserve the same right as the other?I'm not being political here.I just try to express my feeling regarding this matter. Some might think that it is a tiny lil thing. Who cares right?But i do..Anyone else?

Miss FB is apologising if you did not agree with me. This kind of thing have been troubling me ever since I was in high school...and only now I'm voicing it?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


if i just lay here
wud u lie here with me
and just look at the world... chasing cars-snow patrol

I'm tired of everything..Why can't things be as normal as it used to be?I'm scared of answering the phone. I know death is inevitable...but...

Friday, July 17, 2009


Finally..weekend!!What I really need now is a 12 hour sleep(yes) McFlurry (tho semalam dah makan)..and read a new novel from Susan Elizabeth Phillip. What I don't want to do is to think about my classes, n how I'm going to teach them dictionary skills (LOL) when me myself is hopeless in it..and also thinking how im going to handle all the questions when Leen is not here for the next 2 weeks nie..Am i capable?..Big question mark..

This week me n Belle mmg dah mcm kaum Badwi. (betul kan?kaum yang suke berpindah randah tue?).. From Kak Abby's house, to Zati's house (which will be our house oso after this;tingkat 4 tue!!) and back to Kak Abby's house..And the most embarassing thing is that Kak Abby's mom did my laundry..wlupon cuci pakai machine, malu gak ah...hehe..Xsempat lah..Nway, pasnie aku tggu kak Abby beli karaoke, i nak test sore..

ah..I'm rambling kan..Just need to merapu for a while..~lalala~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mahu Buat $$$

I love to read and write. So why don't I combine my interest and make money from it?

So people of PMM yang rase die xmampu nak buat ulasan buku yang diminte oleh Dr Pengarah, sile hubungi saye.

Satu ulasan buku=RM10
=RM5 (jike disertakan buku)

And no..aku xmemain....

All the proceeds will help Miss FB to buy a much needed television.

Update: Apesal sape pon taknak bantu aku..i really need a teev okei.. aish..kena cari biznes baru??

Not the Time of the Month

I am 25 but still have problem to talk with.....

someone's parents

someone who is older from me

the bosses

people with authority









Im a Pathethic loser...Until when i'll be a wimp?

I'm a Big Fat Loser....

this picture is a contradict of my feeling...

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Tagged by Teera....

Rules: use Google image to search the answers to the questions below. You must choose a picture from the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

(1) The age of my next birthday

(2) Place (s) i'd like to travel to

Kalau boleh this whole wide world la but if not i'll settle for this...

(3) Favourite food

This is why i don't think i can follow Dr Arshad's vision n mission of having all the staff in PMM super duper slimmer
(4) Favourite place

(5) Nicknames i've had
Ainul, Enoy, Ilah, Begum, Beg..and the latest one Fath...

(6) Favourite colour

(7) College major

8) Name of my love

(9) Hobby

(10) Bad habits
Spending MONEY!!!
(11) My wishlist
Posted away from Merlimau (back to north if possible)
New cellphone
A television
Prince Charming
(12) And i'm tagging..
Kak Ct
Kak DyLLa

Shows how bored i am during the weekend without a television and any means of transportation..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saya Optimus Prime Menyeru Semua Makhluk Bumi Berkerjesame Dalam Memajukan dan Memartabatkan Bangsa Manusia

I'm not a freak. I'm not a weirdo. But I really really LOVE Optimus Prime. Don't you think he is the coolest autobots?And he is a gentle (robot). Macho some more. He is compassionate. Gentle. He even died macholy. Aku nak cakap graceful but it doesn't fit him. He is just so macho. Manly. That what real man should be like. If only there is a human version of him. Aish..

And i Optimus Prime, sending this message to all.....

Now, i could not wait for this..jeng jeng...

And i Just realize i don't have anyone to watch it with..uargh..Y?Y?xde ke orang kat Merlimau nak bawak aku gi tgk Harry??huk huk...sob..sob...

Wah...lamenye Miss FB xupdate..i've been a busy lil bee la..buzzing here and there. I've been attending four courses 4 d past few weeks. And i'm kinda tired these days. Lack of sleep?or just worrying to much? Anyway, let me just summarize all d courses k?

15-18 Jun 2009
Port Dickson, N9
Microsoft Access

Isn't just beautiful? I always wanted to work somewhere near the sea. It is so peaceful just to listen to the sound of waves and sitting there looking at the water. Hurm..But, unfortunately, i'm stuck here at this godforsaken palm estate. Don't like it even a bit.

The course was ok. Enjoy it in fact!Iyelah, I'll admit i'm not good when it comes to IT stuffs. But suprisingly, i did good. Hurm, I do have some talent after all..hehe.

20-21 Jun 2009
The Right Sound

Me and Leen..Lagu Black & White MJ memang seswai utk kami 2..heh

Whoa..haven't realize that i've been saying words wrongly all these years! Shows how ignorant i was, eh?Went there with Hazelen and sempat berjumpe kawan lame, Jemah kat OU. Kind creepy when we have to stay at a place called Romeo Inn Hotel. IIeeww..

22-23 Jun 2009
Politeknik Merlimau (bleargh)
Bengkel Pemurnian FRP

Haha..obviously the most boring one la!!

30 Jun-3 Julai 2009
Kuala Lumpur
Effective Presentation Skill

Sadly to say my presentation skill did not improve at all upon returning from the course.. Quite boring as well. If not for the cute guy from PSAS, lalala~


At this moment, all the midgets in PMM JPA is working very hard for the debate competiton.Even yours truly is struggling with tonnes of workloads.But in a way,Ms FB xkisah. Y? Because all the work kinda make her forget all the silly problems with stupid peoples. For a while. Not entirely forget ok.

Talking about stupid people, seriouly? Y can't u just be honest and say directly to my face (or Bella's) that u r moving out from this house?Seriously, it seems a little bit cowardly la in my way of thinking.. At first aku xkisah sangat sebab Miss FB dah dinasihati oleh Pakcik Maidin.And Miss FB memang dengar cakap Pakcik Maidin. But, her behavior macam intolerable la kan...Aish..ini membuatkan Miss FB makin teruja untuk get the hell out from here.

I never realize that i'll be mising home so much.. Kalau nak dikire ayer mata Miss FB sejak di Merlimau ni, memang lebey dari cukup untuk buat hantaran meminang Puteri Gunung Ledang.Oleh itu, saya berharap induksi saya akan dapat dengan segera n saya boleh memulakan urusan penukaran pada hujung tahun ini.Amin. Wishful thinking?Maybe. Tapi xsalah berharap dan berusaha kan?

Next week dah start class. Agak nervous actually.Iyelah. No more taking over classes from someone else. I'm teaching the semester 1 students. Nk kena wat garang2 cket..hehe. Insya Allah, segala proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berjalan dgn lancar. Amin.

Well, banyak dah merapu..Till then~

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Argh..sampai je Merlimau terus ada masalah!! What the ****??

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Having a terrible headache n c0uld n0t c0me out with a to PD next week.seri0usly xde m0od.huhu.
Im updating my bl0g using my cellph0ne.. pathetic.al0ne n a l0nely weekend. Just finish prangatkan sambal ikan bilis dlm tin 4 lunch. D0uble pathetic.

P/s:Echipsey,i kn0e i've been a lil overdramatic in my last entry. C0uld n0t help it.i'm dat kind of pers0n;-)
:Inas,blaja btul2 camne nk wat kek.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pissed Off

I really hate it here. I know it sounds childish..but i don't care!! I REALY REALLY hate it here..
This week has been disappointing. And it is not even Friday yet! I cried like a baby twice this week. Memang huduh la.But what else can i do? I feel so lonely. It feels like I'm the only one occupying this planet. Or maybe i'm not even here.
Yesterday event was terrible. When she said she gave in for my sake, i was like, WTF? Wasn't I supposed to go at the first place. Couple months ago, when we were filling the form, who's name was in it?So why everything have been synchronized as in I was to be blame. Pardon me if I was obvious in showing my distress and 'kebengangan'. I'm just tired being treat like a dirt, as if the very breath i exhale is polluted. Was i selfish?If I do, please do tell me..
It's a pity that my first working environment sucks.
I really want to go home, or least work somewhere closer to my family.
I'm suffocating in my own thoughts.
i'm drowning in my loneliness.
Inas, aku tau u will get mad at me for this entry. Sorry, i just need to wallow in my self pity.
Minggu nie all the bosses is not in. Minggu punch tuk kawan2. I don't mind. If live closer, i'll definitely do the same!! Instead of coming to office and playing games, I better stayed at home and do all the mounting laundries.
The administration of Polytechnic Merlimau sucks!!Ptui....

Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm back at this godforsaken place :( i know, i know.. I should at least give a credit to this place but at this moment i could not find any good thing about this place (or the people as the matter of fact)Banyak yang buruk lah dari baiknye..

Well, enuf about this place..

Lets talk about my 8days off..I went back to Tepeng with a night bus. Sejuknye..Burrr..I spent mostly of my time at home, spending time with PakCik Maidin n my sister..And of coz shopping and watching movies..Xsempat jumpe sesapon except at Linda's wedding. Went there with the usual comrades; Inas, Ayu and Dayah. Pepon, Selamat Pengantin Baru Linda, semoga perkahwinan mu kekal ke anak cucu.. Hehe..i couldn't imagine her pregnant!!

Bersame pengantin baru dan rakan2 Miss FB iaitu Inas n Ayu. Tiada dalam gambar Dayah n her new beau.Xpelah, die xbaca blog aku pon. Xkecik ati kot..hehe

Mesti orang2 kat Tepeng Sentral ingat Miss FB xde keje..Hehe..Apepon Miss FB nak lepas gian cuz da lama tak tengok wayang..adela kat 2bulan. Dah xde sape nak temankan Miss FB kat cni.Huhu..And the important fact is that everytime I walk out from the cineplex, i fell in lurrvvee..hehe.

Doesn't matter that he is half human

Doesn't matter that he is the bad guy

Doesn't matter that he has a pointy ears

What matter most is that they all are HOT ..hehehe.

I really love the new Star Trek. macam nak tgk lagi skali. Tapi dah balik sini sape nak bawak?

Sekembalinye Miss FB ke opis, die terkejut la feels like a graveyard here..Ramai plak yang takde including the bosses.Nak buat karaoke ke dangdut ke mesti lepas..

Criusly, I feel like banging my head at the wall..

I also feel so lonely these days. Even though there are people around me. Why?

And i really dislike this one particular person..Urgh..

Miss FB baru balik dari Jasin..makan KFC. Naik Keta Stream pinjam Letchumi..hehe..Brase 'perak' cket naik keta besau neh ;-p

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monday Blues

I feel so lazy today. I'm a lazy person but today I'm lazier than usual.And my head kept spinning around.. Malas nye nak wat statistik ni. Dahla Math SPM lulus biase je..numbers is my enemy, except for money la kan..Erm, talking bout money, it's pay day today.I still haven't check my account yet. Hopefully, i will get my pay this month. Dahla nak balik Tepen this week and all plans has been made. Kalu xdapat gaji, for sure Miss FB terjun bangunan.
My weekend was quite productive. Guess what i did? For the very first time, i went for a cooking class! We went to Kolej Komuniti Jasin and paid only RM10. And +++, the chef was super duper hot.hehe.Itu yang productivenyer..Besides that, we went to Astana Moda, looking for baju raye.. We plan to go again tomoro cuz the sale started from 26/5-14/6...Hurm..mesti macam ayer je $$ Miss FB abey nanti.
And today, Leen and i wore the same baju kurung!!

Today thoughts::Miss FB nak minta tukau balik secepat mungkin ke kampung halaman. Is it possible?

Update:Gaji aku xmasyuk lagi ;( Bangunan mane paling tinggi kat PMM ni??

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Late at night Part 2

I'm still here..Dah tak larat wat keje..Waiting for them to finish up..Miss FB needs her beauty sleeps la wei...
Gambo comey ini hasil sahabatku Venus Gal..yes..i'm homesick....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

poker face

It's been 6 weeks now. For some reason i'm still standing and breathing. hehe. I'm still having backache after standing for hours furing the convocation days. It was a horrible week. Started with i do not own a blazer and manusia manusia mcm sh^t membingitkan telinga dan menghangatkan hati Miss FB yang fragile ini.. Nak buat macam mane. Aku kan P.H.A.T..Mane nak pinjam blazer yang size aku ni.. Grr.. Nasib aku pandai wat poker face...

Minggu ini juga membuatkan Miss FB sudah master in cursing and swearing and i'm sure by the time i leave Merlimau for good, i can sell a dictionary on fuc*ing.
Aish. I just realize I'm not getting good but a lot worse than before. Mulut pun..kalau PakCik Maidin dengar mau dicilinye.huhu.

Do I like it here?
Macam sial.
I just don't like it ok!

Anyway, i do have some good friends here. Nak sebut name? Well Kak Fid, Kak As. Zati@Letchumi, Yani(i call her Ma cuz i said i want her to be my stepmother..hehe.simpangkan lah :) ), also my huhaha new friend Fazila@Arabella. hehe. i still love name calling. Ape agaknye orang panggil aku?haha..But at this moment i asked them to call me Baby..hehe.(poyo gile) Anyway, best kawan ngan mereka2 ini. Don't have any pics yet cuz didn't bring my cam from taiping..They are very helpful to me. Iyelah, Miss FB ni kan agak clumsy, clueless, lembab etc...

Talking bout Taiping, a couple of weeks ago, ayahku terchenta called and start to talk about marriage.And Miss FB started to freak out. I'm not ready for it yet. I rather be an old maid than marrying someone just for the sake of not being andartu.huh!
At this moment i'm totally broke. One of the 'funny' things happened this month is me alone didn't get my pay this month.Lawak x?Macam sh^t la wei..aku sorang tak dapat..Memang la bulan ni dpt bergande, hutang pon bergande lah!!!

Well.It's already 10.40pm. My stomach is grumbling. Today me and Arabella cook for the first. Elok nak goreng keropok petang tuh, gas plak abey. Wa la wei.baru jek nak rajin. We came to office with our Head of Unit.. Nampak cam Pn S banyak keje..bile boleh balik?? hehe..tak kisah pon..aku pon lame tak jumpe computer yang ade tenet..muahaha....Aish..I wonder whether I will have the guts to drive myself?? I need to control my fear instead of the other way around.

Aish..dah lame x merapu..Better start doing my PB..hehe..

P/S: I would like to wish Happy Mother's Day to my beloved Dad. Y??Because he heve been a wonderful MOM n DAD to me for the past 9 years. I Heart You Atta..hehe
P/S: I miss my tell the truth, i dreaded this day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

so many thing , so little time..

Unfortunately, i still do not have a table, a computer, internet connections and segale macam..What i have is a lot of classes, things to do..etc. Nak update blog pon terpakse menumpang kasih orang a.k.a buat muka x malu minjam org nye comp..
This is my third week here. n i already lost interest in everything..~sigh~ I vowed to myself before to accept everything that The Almighty have given me. I even welcomed boredom. But now, i need some spices. I want adventures, betrayal, and basically anything to make me feel alive. (cuz at this moment i'm not). I'm still searching for the purpose...
and i'm definitely rambling eh?
Lots of thing to tell but i'm still having a writer's block. It is getting pronounced day by day. I lost the only little talent i have, that is to write :(

p/s: Went for a new staff induction n guess what one of the thing that a goverment servant should not do??
To blog...hurm~~~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

saya mahu pulang..

finally found a computer with internet connection..i seriously want to go home... i doubted every second i'm here.maybe i should stick being a teacher..i could hardly understand what they were saying.
daddy, aku mahu pulang!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some people asked me whether I'm happy with my posting?

Some people laugh.

Some people said i will be happy.

I honestly do not know what to think~

Boleh tak saya angkut pakcik Maidin bersama saya?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The long wait has finally came to the end. The letter i've been waiting for the last 7 months has finally arrived in style. (pos laju ;p)
I was quite shock..To be honest, i did make some list. List of place i want to be and not want to be. I was thinking that if i can't be posted at Perak or Kedah, then can i be placed at Sabah or Sarawak?
The place i've been posted to is not in any list... never crossed my twisted mind even...


Malacca bebeh..Bandar Bersejarah. Even the UNESCO approved it ok!
So, how do i feel?? Let's save it for the next post.

Saya telah di 'tagged' ;)

1. Describe your self in THREE words.
2. If you see a hot man/lady..what do you do?
3. If you have RM 100 what is the first thing you buy?
4. If you are given the chance to have lunch with a famous person, who would that be?
5. If you are stranded alone on the MOON, what is the THREE things you must have with you?
6. By using PAINT (a simple software where you can draw) draw your self having a good time. (draw and save and publish it in ur blog......)

My very first tagged!!(haha..ciannye die)
1. Silly, Clumsy n P.H.A.T (wo0ho0p)
2. Dro0l..yea bebeh..
3. Bo0ks..(all SEP novels)
5.Air, Air, that order
6. i don't ah..

Hey, i got to tagged someone!
It started with me.

Then my dad.

Then my sister.

Then it's me again.

Damn cold n flu~

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm facing another crossroad in my life...

Which path to choose?

Who's heart to 'jaga'?
:AnoopDog in da house!!! (I nearly got a heart palpalation when the judges picked Tatiana for the wildcard.bleargh...)Top13 baybeh..kalu kat mesia ni bley vote, i'll certainly, surely vote for U ANOOP!!(i'm a reality show freak these days)...
:I just realize that i do have good friends...I do need to be more gratefull in my life.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Chapter

What do one writes on their first entry?? I really miss my Friendster Blog but i've decided to move on so moving on i am now..haha..(macam sial je ayat!!)
i don't think i have anything to say at this moment.Hopefully this blog will continue to stay alive. I'm ashamed to say this but i'd opened 2 blogs before this but never writes anything on it. This time around, i'm more prepared. I intend to stay long here, writing my ramblings, musings, stories, heartache, headaches and God knows what else.
Well Miss FB, till then...