Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sampai juga hari JUmaat yg mulia ini. Been waiting for it since last Sunday..hehe..Tiap2 minggu pon macam itu.So, what MY plan this weekend. Kemas bilik yg dah boleh sorok dinasour tue..hehe..very unimaginative tapi nak buat cemane. My housemate is involved with the Konvo and this time around I'm not. Thank God for that.. ;) Nak tgk The Sorcerer's Apprentice but on hold first. Nak g ngan sape kan? Anyone care to join me? Made a plan with a girlfriend but not sure yet...Rase mcm nk makan Auntie Annie's pretzel yg celop dlm ceklat tue..Nyum...

Had fun with a few of my opismate yesterday. Buka puase sesame (tp saye xpose!)..Quite full after a plateful of Nasi Ayam Penyet Lampongan and a glass of ayer asam boi..Double Yummy! Thanks for K.Sha, Mas and K.Diha. Thank you for making me laugh so hard. Muakss..XoXo ;P

I don't know what happened but I was quite happy when I woke up this morning. Of course, the feelings does not last long but still, i like it. It feels like all my dreams are coming true and all I have to do is wait. Feels like it will be a momentous day for me. Hehe..MAinan perasaan je tu. But I like the feeling. Tak kisah la kalau xbetul pon. It just make me feel goooood :)

"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it." (dukun citer Lion King cakap nie).. And he is right! At this moment, i'm running from something instead of confronting the problem.Ayayai...where my guts dude?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Saye Tidak Suke

Banyak benda yg tidak saye suke berlaku kepade saye. (terutamanya akhir2 ini)
1) Saye tidak suke masuk campur tp org masuk campur kan saye.
2) Saye tidak suke perasaan ini, tp perasaan ini hadir jugak dlm diri saye ini.
3) Saye tidak suke mendengar tapi telinga ini terpaksa mendengar.
4) Saye tidak suke membayangkan, tetapi bayangan itu hadir jugak dlm diri saye ini.
5) Saye tidak suke, tidak suke, tidak suke dan tidak suke.
Very immature of me.
I know.
Tapi nak buat macam mana. This is the real me. I'm stupid. Foolish. Selfish. Immature. Childish. Ugly. Fat/P.H.A.T ;)
Care to add anything?
On a different note, a few days back, i wrote an entry called Cloudy days. Googled for cloudy pictures and post it here. But at night, when I open this blog, the cloudy picture turn into a weird man face!!takut i. n dengan segeranya mendelete picture itu. Walawei. My blog is haunted kah??? Jangan la..Kat mana lagi nk luahkan perasaan karang..
I really want to go back home and stay with my dad T_T Miss him so much and i know he would love to have me there. (ke aku yg prasan?)..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind."

Hurm, i didn't know what to make of you.

One minute you are friendly and the next minute you give me the cold shoulder.

P/S: The heading is a quote from Shakespeare. Wise man he was....

Cloudy Days

To be honest, it was not a good day for the past few days.
It feels like a dark cloud always following me everywhere.
I wish things will turn out differently.
Words are left unspoken.
No hard feelings.
But i can't.
All it left is for me to move forward.
And try to make sure everyone understand why it had happened.
And I hope for that sunny day.

Monday, July 26, 2010

not feeling well

Alhamdulillah. I had an uninterrupted sleep last night.Haven't got a good sleep since the paranormal thing. But woke up with an uneasiness. I'm not feeling good and well at this moment. Feels like vomiting. My head feels so heavy. My stomach is churning.

Hurm..Mahu diri di manja boleh?


One of my wishlist.
Anyone care to buy them for me?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dalam Mimpi Ada Mimpi Ada Lagi Mimpi Dan Lagi Ada Mimpi

This is one brilliant movie! Leonardo is a genius as usual and the other casts are awesome as well. Walaupon agak memeningkan but I still love it!!!!







Thursday, July 22, 2010

and Friday is here...

Hurm..rajin plak nk berbelog 2-3 menjak nie..nk kate idea mencurah2 x..but I guess there are a lot of things that I want to say... and yet there are lot of things that I could not put in words...Matter of heart is so heavy to think of. So painful. So confusing.

Enough talking about my heart.Hehe..Eventually, it wiil worn out and then I can live normally. (ye ke?)


Friday is here...Will have a quiet weekend. Doing laundry. Relaxing. Nothing much..Really want to watch Inception but no want to watch with..Xpelah..Never know what will happen, right?

Venus Girl

I miss my friend.
Haven't talk with her for months.
Haven't seen her for more than months.
I know she is busy with her new life.
Exam is coming.
She has a lot to learn.
I shouldn't bother her.
I miss the old time.
Where we use to write to each other.
I know we don't have much time with each other.
Our perspective change as we grow up.
You, for the better.
And I... :)
I have said it.
I miss my friend.
You know who you are Venus Girl:)
Good luck in your new career.
My thoughts are always with you.

to all my friends..i love u guys too..u make my life hundred times better :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Sixth Sense

Apparently, the whole polytechnic is attacked by paranormal activities. And for me who is staying at the kuarters tu, memacam ler citer yg kuar.

Haven't got a decent sleep since last week. My head feel heavy. And not to mention my cranky mood. Haish..

Yesterday, I woke up at midnight and did not sleep unti 4.30 am. Adeh. I wish I can call someone to talk to because I felt lonely as well. But everyone that I know I can call is sleeping and it will be selfish of me if I bother them.

Takpelah. I will try my best to stay strong. And I can only pray to Allah S.W.T hoping for the best and mintak jauhkan dari gangguan syaitan ini. Amin.

Rasulullah s.a.w memerintahkan daku dengan bersabda: "Hendaklah engkau memohon perlindungan Allah daripada angkara syaitan-syaitan manusia dan jin". Aku pun meminta penjelasan Baginda s.a.w, dengan berkata: "Ya Rasulullah! Adakah manusia juga menjadi syaitan-syaitan?" Baginda menjawab: "Ya! Benar!".
Abu Zar r.a


These day, I enjoyed watching Parenthood. (Since Glee finished it's final episode for Season 1-could not wait for Season 2!). Anyway, back to Parenthood, as usual, Miss FB here sah2 will be attracted to one of the guy in that drama kan!


Mr Cyr:walaupon hanya guest but still can make me swoon when he is trying to pursue Sarah Braverman..
(lurrvve his scruffy look~) entry today is only about how smitten I am with his role in this drama..Muahahaha:)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Being Silly

Romancing Mr Bridgerton by Julia Quinn is one of my favourite. I always compare myself with Penelope Featherington, the heroine of this book. She is a wallflower, unpopular and the one they say will never marry. She is, by the society standard, not beautiful (ugly sound so harsh) and a confirmed spinster. And yes, that how i look myself
In this book, Penelope loves Colin Bridgerton for a long time. Unfortunately, he took a long time as well to return the feeling. But when he did, he do it right. It is no suprise if I say that I'm waiting for my own Colin Bridgerton. Someone who looks me in the eye and said
"I don't know. I don't know when, I don't know how, and to be honest, I don't care. But i know this much is true: I love you, and I hate myself for not seeing the real you all these years."
This is a wistful thinking from my part. Huhu..I know there is no Mr Bridgerton who will say
"I don't think you changed. At least not very much.But then one day I realized I was seeing something different when I looked at you. Maybe I changed.Maybe I grew up."
I know I'm being silly. But I think being silly is the best thing I do. Anyhow, as much as it is a fairy tale, I still love this book very much. After all Penelope have been through, she deserves it.
And for me?
It's ok.
We never know right?
Maybe MY Mr Bridgerton is right in front of me and I did not notice it.
It's Ok. Take your time.
Like Penelope, I'll be waiting ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010

~The Kite Runner~

Stay up late last night, reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. The book moves me deeply, differs from the books I usually interested with. Different from all the romances and happily ever after.It awakens me like no other. Hassan's love and loyalty to Amir makes me cry. I could not escaped the sob and tears and wonder, is there anyone out there who will sacrifice that much in the name of friendship? In the name of love? The world seems so cruel and unfair. That Hassan's son meet the same fate as his father, with the same evil man. I know I'm a little late, where the rest of the world have read the book a few years back! But I'm glad that I read this book. Cleanse me in a way nobody will understand. Open my eyes to the world far away. Where here I broad over petty matters, the world out there is suffering from disease worst than death. Greed, lust is taking over humanity. And I will try my best not to fall in the same web. Insya Allah.

Ya Allah, Kau berikanlah kekuatan kepada hambaMu ini. Amin.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud:”Bukankah aku telah memberitahu kamu semua tentang orang yang diharamkan masuk ke neraka atau orang yang diharamkan ke atasnya neraka? Mereka ialah orang yang berdamping rapat dengan orang ramai (baik pergaulannya), hatinya tenang, berlemah lembut serta mudah dibawa berunding.”

Riwayat at-Tarmizi

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hurt dan Benci

I'm tired being stuck with inconsiderate people. It's about time i stop being a people pleaser. I'm tired of people who treat me like a heartless statue. I have feelings ok. If you can be sensitive when someone did something, i do too. The world does not only revolve around you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Greedy

I know i should be grateful with what i have now. I have a family that i love (though maybe i don't show it much), i have a job (though i dislike it-hate is a strong word) , every end of the month i got my salary and manage to buy things that i like (mostly books), i have friends (thank GOD for friends), i have people who hates me (and vice versa). So all in all, i should be happy or at least content with what i am now.

But no, i have to be greedy and being content is not enough for me. i want drama, excitement, love,lust. I am greedy.

On the happier note, i finally got my car license. Hehe, it took me more than 3 years actually. But to tell the truth, I'm not confident enough to drive. It seems so complicated. .