Thursday, November 25, 2010


I don't know whether I am happy or not.
In a way, yes, I am happy. And I am lucky. Not everyone will got the chance.
But still, it's looking a little bit complicated here.
I want to be closer to my father. There is no doubt there. But it is not confirmed yet whether i'll get the transfer. What if i don't and all i do is to wait. I might be staying here for a verrry long time.I might get older without moving on, not doing anything worthwhile in this life? And if I refuse, and wait, I might not get another offer like this anymore.
But, am I ready for this? It will be hectic after this. And not to mention in financial wise. Obviously, I'm not ready in that area. But, when will i be ready if i keep waiting. KAN???
Owh, i wish someone can tell me what should do.
I wish someone can give me a good advice.
I wish someone to make the decision for me.
So that one day I won't regret any of it.
Ya Allah, Kau berikanlah petunjuk pada hamba-Mu yang lemah lagi hina ini.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Miss You

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

This is a song my Mak used to sing for me. (in Tamil version of course).
I miss her. So much, that it hurts. It makes my heart ache. It makes me want to cry and never stop.
It's been a long time since someone hug me. I missed the warmth of her hug. Her sweet smell. In her hug, I know I'll always be safe.

I miss her.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Penang Bridge Marathon 2011, wait for me!!!

Me n Mas

Yeap, I did it. I managed to finish my 10km run in 1:42:51. That is something for someone like me! U know, not fit, beginner, not enough training. And I was only walking, though i walk non-stop.Yeah, that is something. I just exceed 12 mins 51 sec! And the best part is I'm not the last one to arrive! hehe...

Now, I'm excited to join more marathons. Hehe..even though my body ache all over (until now actually), muscles strain etc, but I still would love to do it! Though i'll practice and train more before going!

Going to Penang for the marathon is the moment i'll cherished always. There were a few doubting Thomas when I said i'm going for a marathon. It is quite funny when people are sceptical and so criticising for things even they don't do. Instead of saying 'mesti boleh', they were saying 'boleh ke'? Why?Just because i'm fat? That doesn't mean I can't do something at all! But I guess, that it is part of the fun kot??? People insulted you and you get the chance to show them wrong?

I would like to thank my friend and 'coach' Cik Mas for her support. Pas nie kite g lagi ye Mas :) Kenangan memori daun pisang meredah hujan sebelum nak marathon akan menjadi kenangan terindah. Walaupon not enough good looking guys for us to feed our eyes on (hehehe) but we still had fun! So much fun!

me after 7km...masih boleh tersenyum manja walaupon terketaq2... ;p

our beloved Lunarfly ;)

Now, I'm more excited to do stuffs. My resolution of doing things I've never done in my life still stands!

What is next?

Monday, November 8, 2010

i want to travel!!!

At late, the only thing that interest me is travel!Technically, aku tak travel mane pon lagi, but i really really reallllly want to travel, go to all those exotic places. A friend of mine, Cik Mas introduce me to a backpacker blog not to mention lonely planet!! (dgn malunye aku taktau lonely plaenet ade mags, slalu ingat kat tv jek!) and skarang, keje aku buka airasia n bercite2 nk travel around the world!Agak sukar untuk mengingatkan Miss FB supaye berpijak di bumi yg nyata..hehe..dahla duit dlm akaun Maybank xde kan (kalau nk beli tiket pon) n infact, she does not own a credit card!!
Adoi.....xde ke nak dapat cabutan bertuah menang 10 ribu ke??? (cukupla 10ribu, taknak banyak2 pon)...Ayayai!xpelah..selow2 dulu kn??(ayat sedap hati sendiri!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My running bib no is K67093~

Running bib ape? you might ask. Well, I don't know whether i've mentioned here but resolution is to try things at least once in my life. And in 2 weeks time, I'm going for a marathon! Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010 to be exact!Am I up for it? NO! heehee :) I've started running (or walking to be more exact!) a couple of weeks ago and it is a torture!! After a long time of being lazy and FAT, my body; or more specifically my legs (ankle) are definitely having a hard time adjusting to this new routine. But I'm not giving up! Not even when I'm the last person to arrive! Hehe ;)

Well, I'm off to Taiping in few minutes. Did not plan to go back pon but I really miss my dad n my sister..Hehe..bile berjumpe gaduh..Bile jauh rindu :P