Thursday, March 18, 2010


Bosan..Yup, that's the right word to describe my feelings right now. It's been one whole day of spent doing nothing.Well, not actually nothing. Fill my time by downloading songs for my new 'baby'..thehehe..
Reach Merlimau this morning at 1am. So obviously i'm soooo sleepy.... Seronoknye balik rumah. I wish my holiday will be longer but need to save my leaves..Banyak lagi cuti nak diambil..Spend the time by helping PakCik Maidin at the kitchen, lazying around (the best part!), watched Alice in Wonderland (Johny Depp sure makes our live inriguing, eh?) and bought a new ...

n pink!!hehe...
Next week, students naik cuti..malasnyer...urgh..

Thursday, March 11, 2010


It's hard to find my creative outlet this days..Days spent gazing at the PC, waiting for the food to cook(yup, i can play Cafe World now!), marking the quizzes which is A LOT! or sometimes, thinking why the world is acting like this. Everyday, I vow to myself not think about anything that can make me mad or annoyed. But I am a normal human. I'm no angel.

Today, I have a "pengacaraan Majlis" course. Why on earth, someone who is terrified even thinking about standing at the front join this kind of course? Well, I really want to improve myself. I'm tired being a coward. I always dream of being worldly and say things without worrying to much on it. I just want to be FREE. I'm not saying that I had improved, but I'm learning. I'm far away from being perfect, but I'll try....
I'm going back tonight! Yeay
...Home sWeeT Home...
Happy HoLiDay y'aLL